2020 Community Attitudes Survey Coming Soon

whitehall-oh.us – August 27, 2020

The City of Whitehall has partnered with polling firm Saperstein Associatesm Inc. to field the 2020 Community Attitudes Survey. As with the 2016 and 2018 surveys, the City is seeking feedback on community priorities, satisfaction with City services and customer service. While many questions from the 2016 and 2018 surveys will be repeated to allow for comparison, the 2020 survey will ask new questions relating to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as diversity and inclusion in Whitehall.

As with past survey, the 2020 Community Attitudes Survey will be conducted via phone interview using a random sample of home phone and cell phone numbers from registered voters and Whitehall City School enrollment files. New to this survey, the interviews will be conducted in both English and Spanish.

Saperstein Associates will begin conducting interviews on Wednesday, September 9. Those who are called to complete the survey can expect the interview to take approximately 25 minutes in length.

The City looks forward to sharing the results of the survey with the community later this fall.